Wednesday, February 08, 2012

A few more things...for the daughters

You win some, you lose some.

Work in the solution.

Just today, work on just today.

What was MY part in the problem?

It's not all about ME.

Interested in much more attractive than interesting.

An unhealthy ego (arrogance) and healthy self esteem are reciprocal.

Remember your limitations every morning, and work within them.

All you really ever have is who you are (character) and what you know (wisdom).

If you don't want to sell out, get off the market.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

For our daughters

I wish for them to realize the satisfaction and joy of service to others, and to remember these words (as I remember my father so frequently saying to me): "For all I have, I owe".  

I hope they can spend more time than not, letting it slide off their backs, finding the humor in other peoples' idiosyncrasies, and laughing at themselves (because, you know, if you can't laugh at yourself, you're not paying close enough attention). I wish for them to set their interpersonal barometer too low to fluster over others' mistakes, but not so low that they lose compassion and mercy for the pain and suffering of others.

I wish for them to realize that, sometimes, just making it through the day is enough...

I want them to experience reverence and humility when witnessing the incredible human talent of others; in the art, the architecture, music, literature and poetry that is around us each and every day.

I pray that they fall in love with this great American experiment called Democracy. And that they demand of themselves only full engagement in the process. That is- to study, to vote, to struggle with, to get angry at our governmental systems- all the while embracing and maintaining their devotion in the individual's participation in governance.

I want them to NEVER stop being shocked, disappointed and becoming down-hearted by mankind's indifference, cruelty and inhumanity towards one another.

I hope my daughters learn that saying 'I don't know', or asking 'what do you think'; will bring them great freedoms.

I want them to lose their breath, and feel their heart tug when a small child grabs hold of their leg for reassurance and security.

I hope they allow their heart to be broken, to laugh so hard they pee, to cry from reading a book or seeing their team win, to get so angry they cannot NOT walk that picket line, or write that letter to the editor or call their senator.

I want them to remember- that 'I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees'. While at the same time- remembering that it is better to live another day in order to fight another day.

I hope that they realize, through their actions, that one person makes a difference. came you cannot see it does not men it does not exist.  Change is often incremental, and we don't all get the priviledge of being here when the change MILLION worked for- occurs.  And to realize what the greatest leaders know: always strive to recognize, encourage and the develop the best in others- while considering their weaknesses and flaws.

During the darkest of times, I want my daughters to immediately remember and hear a gentle voice say:

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil; For Thou art with me...My cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life".

But most of all, I want them to live their entire lives walking their moments, knowing they are loved unconditionally, always and forever.